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Ultra Capacitor Marshalling Train

On September 5, 2018, the 80-ton ultra capacitor marshalling train, jointly built by China Railway Science and Engineering Group and Shanghai Aowei Technology Development Co., Ltd., was successfully launched in the workshop of Ezhou Gedian Wanlian Machinery Factory.

Unmanned Ultra Capacitor Heavy Vehicle (AGV)

Unmanned Ultracapacitor AGV Heavy Pallet Truck

In August 2018, 1.2mm limit thin gauge strip was successfully tested in Shandong Iron and Steel Plant. During the rolling process, the unmanned ultracapacitor AGV heavy pallet truck carried hot-rolled coil shuttle transportation in the production site, which once again proves that ultracapacitors from Aowei can work under even the most extreme conditions.

Unmanned Ultra Capacitor AGV Heavy Pallet Truck

In August 2018, 1.2mm limit thin gauge strip was successfully tested in Shandong Iron and Steel Plant. During the rolling process, the unmanned ultra capacitor AGV heavy pallet truck carried hot-rolled coil shuttle transportation in the production site, which marks that the products of Aowei have overcome all kinds of difficulties.

Electric Propulsion Ferry

On November 20, 2017, an electric propulsion ferry developed by Aowei and 711 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry was completed and delivered in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. This electric propulsion civil ship adopts AC-DC-AC distribution mode. It not only promotes the development of traditional ferry industry towards energy saving and emission reduction technology, but also opens up a new world for the application of high-energy ultra capacitors.

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