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Striving for 20 years, innovating for 20 years


Today, it is the 20th anniversary of Shanghai Aowei Technology Development Co., Ltd. The past 20 years have witnessed the fast paced development of Aowei and the continuous improvement of people who work in Aowei.

Over 7,300 days and nights, Aowei have practiced the concept of “Aowei Technology is not only an enterprise, it is also a cause to pursue.” In 2004, the first ultracapacitor bus started trial run in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park. In 2006, Shanghai route 11, became the first commercialized ultracapacitor bus line in the world, and at the 2010 World Expo, 61 ultracapacitor buses safely operated 1.2 million kilometers and carried 40 million passengers. Today, citizens of Shanghai, Sofia, Belgrade, Tel Aviv, Graz and Minsk can experience green and environmentally friendly technology “intelligently manufacted in China”. Products of Aowei have been successfully applied to bus, rail transit, ships, energy storage and military products.

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